Russian travel guide

Based on data published in the official report of the Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia, the average number of Russian visitors to the country is over 10,000 per month, and it is continueally growing. As is known, most Russians are limited in reading and communication skills in English. Especially for this category of tourist, to meet the demand, we have prepared this guidebook, maps of Sihanoukville and Siem Reap as well as the biggest online guide about Cambodia in Russian:

Target audience

Our Guidebook is published quarterly and is a free high quality travel magazine, which is directly targeted at high-end Russian visitors – people with high spending power who make purchase decisions while in Cambodia.
It is dedicated to promote international interest throughout the Kingdom primarily focused on Russian-speaking visitors to Cambodia (middle and upper income groups), business travelers and expatriates living within the Kingdom of Cambodia as well as Asian tour operators.

Russian language — is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. In addition to Russian residents, the language is widely used in the CIS and the Baltic States, Eastern Europe, in metropolitan USA, Israel, Canada, China, Australia, and many other countries. For most Russian speakers — Russian is their native language and the only language they speak.

The Guidebook is designed to create a forum that enables local and international branded companies, hotels, resorts and hospitals the opportunity to advertise and secure contracts within this lucrative and growing market place.

Guidebook “” – Portrait of the reader

  • Russian-speaking residents of cosmopolitan centers, between the ages of 25 and 55 (average — 35);
  • well educated, value success and competence;
  • financially secured;
  • have achieved a lot in professional and social realms;
  • are highly concerned with their quality of life, yet strive for conscious consumption;
  • have a desire to better the world, but do not want to aggresively impose their lifestyle on others;
  • have and are commited to their interests (music, sports, travel, art);
  • tolerant toward diverse points of view;
  • geographically independent;
  • Мale — 60%, Female — 40%

Unique characteristics

  • convenient format,
  • city maps,
  • information checked by private experience,
  • the maximum orientation on the Russian tourists.

Complimentary Distribution

The guidebook “” can be found in all Cambodian airports, along with distribution in travel agencies offices within tourist locations of Cambodia. This is coupled with our dedicated distribution in the best hotels and resorts and high transit volume locations such as check border points, shopping complexes, banks, selected restaurants, spas and coffee shops across Cambodia, over 300+ locations. Distribution is closely monitored and we guarantee that locations are not over or under distributed.

Of the guidebook are useful features, comprehensive listings and maps provide the most complete guide to Cambodia’s top hotels, restaurants, shops, attractions as well as offering essential insights into what’s on and where to go at leading tourist destinations in the Kingdom, from Preah Vihear temple in the North to Sihanoukville in the South.


The magazine has it’s own website —, which is the most complete online guide about Cambodia with user-friendly interface in Russian. Our website delivers the best of Cambodia: the most essential resource for information, news, advice, insider tips, classifieds and much, much more. The website is marketed to reach a Russian-speaking audience of potential visitors before they arrive in the Kingdom.

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